Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Scarlett Johanson & Ryan Reynolds-Hot and cold

This is one couple with great chemistry. She definitely wears the pants in the family. Scarlett is a Scorpio/Sag cusper and a 1 Life Path. She is very self assured and comfortable in her skin. She definitely understands the power of a woman's curves. I doubt she will ever be on the too thin list. Now Ryan is a Libra/Scorpio cusper and an 11 Life path. He is very relationship oriented and feels most comfortable in a stable partnership. He can be a little intense and jealous at times. Which can be a problem for Ms Johanson. She is definitely the freedom seeking type. She may also be a bit insensitive to Ryan's needs. When his moods strike she tends to ignore him. I think that he is more into her than she is into him. Unfortunately I do not see this marriage lasting more than two years if they can't get through the initial growing pains. Scarlett will have a great 2009 as far as career and finances. She will be away from Ryan a lot and this will be a dilemma. He is looking forward to spending time with his new wife and she will be too busy. It basically comes down to the fact that he will be putting more energy into the union then she is willing to. She is only 23 years old and is easily distracted. It will not be an amicable split. Bitterness will abound.