Saturday, December 6, 2008

Katrina Maria's Fabulous Tarotscopes for December 2008


Aries-Holidays got you down?  Still mourning that lost love and not ready to move on?  Well it's time to get out of bed, take a shower and get on with your life.  You may have to go it alone for a while but guess what?  You saved a lot of money on a Christmas present.  My little Rams are naturally super independent so a little me time may be just what the Doctor ordered.  Get to as many parties as possible and have a great time. Remember, just because you didn't show up with a date doesn't mean you can't leave with one!  ;o

Taurus-Love is in the air when the Lovers card appears.  You may have to make a decision between two loves vying for your affection.  Oh how, Edward, Bella and Jacob! (Twilighters will understand.)  Have fun seeing both suitors and take your time making a decision.  If it's a third party intruding on a current relationship be very careful to evaluate the true reason behind your roving eye.  Are you bored and looking for attention or is this new person the catalyst to bring needed changes into your romantic life.  If it's the latter try and break it off gently with your current squeeze before committing to the new person.  

Gemini-Lots of friends, fun and parties are in store for my social Twins this month.  The feeling of warmth won't just be from the Champagne.  Love surrounds you and all is well.  Enjoy the magic that the holidays bring.  I wouldn't be surprised to hear of an unusually high amount of Geminis becoming engaged this season.  To those who do get that ring, Congratulations!

Cancer-Transportation will be a major theme this month.  Anything having to do with purchasing cars or travel will be important.  Your bored and looking for a new adventure.  Take that road trip that you have been putting off and go anywhere that YOU want to go.  Go with like minded people who share the same interests.  Keep that negative Aunt at home.  This vacation will be a fun way to reconnect with yourself and loved ones.

Leo-Deal with that nagging issue before it gets out of hand.  You can only avoid problems for so long.  New opportunities are on the wings.  Unfortunately your life is crowded with old stale disappointments and outworn ideas.  Things didn't work out as planned.  So what!  It's time to move on.  Stop and really think about what part you played in the situation and let it go.  Get on with your life and think positively about all the new and exciting starts that are coming your way.

Virgo-New cycles are beginning as far as relationships go.  It's not only romantic relationships but friendships as well.  Some interesting developments will color social events.  People that you didn't see eye to eye with may become your best buddies by the new year.  It almost feels like the language barrier from the past has dissolved.  Have fun cultivating these new connections, some may even last a lifetime.  

Libra-Step back from your life and look in as though you're a third party.  It's time for inventory and analysis.  The current approach is not working.  Your ready to expand your life but how?  Emotions are high and you feel a bit edgy as feelings of uncertainty creep in.  It is very difficult to get focused.  Stay physically active to keep your mind and senses clear.  The right ideas will come as you work up a sweat.  Next month will be better time to make final decisions.

Scorpio-Bite your tongue this month especially when drinking.  Don't tell your cousin what you really think of her husband or inform your aunt that her broccoli casserole sucks.  Keep it to yourself!  Some things are better left unsaid.  You don't have all the background information on the true situation.  Your words may cause more damage than you know.  Maybe your aunt makes that recipe because her late husband loved it and it has sentimental value.  (people get like that around the holidays.)  Stay like Switzerland and keep neutral.  

Sagittarius-That hobby or new business idea that you've been researching might actually make you some money.  Not a lot but some.  It's the beginning of a nice little enterprise.  You're on your way to getting paid to do what you love.  The possibilities are endless so please stay positive.  Write up a business plan and don't forget to include your wildest dreams.  

Capricorn-Your faith is unshakable!  You have complete confidence in your abilities and have recently set up a solid life plan.  Some of the seeds that you have planted in the past are beginning to bloom.  It's only a matter of time before your life is the lush Garden of Eden that you imagined it would be.  I'm proud of you, Capricorn!  Keep up the good work!

Aquarius-Curve ball, huh?  Don't you hate when that happens.  Take your time coming out of the fog that is surrounding your brain.  Sometimes even when you trust your gut crappy things happen.  That's the way life teaches you lessons.  You where at the right place at the right time and one day you'll be able to understand why this unforeseeable nightmare happened.  It might not be today or tomorrow but one day that AHA moment will hit.  Like I said don't rush it.  Sometimes you have to live through the experience before you can fully understand it.  Hugs!!!

Pisces-Strange things are happening.  Swim with the current my little fishies not against it.  Go with the flow.  The changes that are taking place are necessary even though they may be painful.  In the wake of destruction is an opportunity to build a new way of life.  Unfortunately there are no other options so keep going and don't look back.  Seriously Pisces stop looking over your shoulder.  It's only going to depress you.  Remain calm everything will be okay.