Monday, September 22, 2008
Thanks for all your patience!
Hello Darlings!!! Sorry for the delay in this weeks Celebrity Psychic Gossip. Mama's been a little busy. I'm currently working on a few scandalous predictions. Thanks for being patient!
Posted by Katrina Maria at 4:17 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 15, 2008
My favorite Tarot Cards-The Oracle Tarot
Hello everybody! I just wanted to share my favorite deck of Tarot Cards with you. These GORGEOUS cards are by Lucy Cavendish. The Oracle Tarot is the deck that I use for all of my personal consultations. I get so many compliments on how beautiful they are. This deck is positive and uplifting and not at all intimidating. It's great as a first deck or as a gift for your favorite Tarot enthusiast. You can find this deck on my Amazon Affiliate store located on this website. If you have any questions about these cards or anything else feel free to email me.
Posted by Katrina Maria at 2:43 PM 1 comments
Friday, September 12, 2008
Kim Kardashian & Reggie Bush-Hot! Hot! Hot!
I love this couple! They look so cute together and I'm happy to say that this relationship is a keeper. Kim is a gorgeous Libra and a 4 Life Path. That means that she is meticulous about her appearance. With Reggie being a Pisces and a 1 Life Path he absolutely adores the fact that she is a glamazon. He definitely sees Kim as his ideal woman and loves how she dotes on him. They have a super physical and passionate connection. I see a lot of romantic dinners and hot steamy nights. Reggie will pop the big question next year and the two will have a beautiful beach wedding.
Posted by Katrina Maria at 12:42 AM 0 comments
Britney Spears-Looking Great!
Posted by Katrina Maria at 12:29 AM 0 comments
Dirty Sexy Money!!!!!
OH MY GOD!!!! I love this show! I was so happy to hear it is coming back this fall. If you haven't seen it check it out on ABC's website. I added a widget to this page with info on the show. Seriously, be careful though this show is highly addictive. I had to go to rehab after the season ended. I just sat in a corner muttering "Darlings more Darlings!" It took months to get back to my normal psychic self. The Darlings are an interesting bunch. Never a dull moment with that family. The season premiere is Wednesday October 1 at 10/9c. I recommend that you watch last seasons shows before the new ones start to catch up.
Posted by Katrina Maria at 12:05 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Holly & Hef-Could the rumours be true?
I hate to report this but the cards and numbers for this couple are a little dismal. Holly is currently in her 9 Personal Year. She will be cleaning her closet out as far as people, things and other old tired situations. Normally a person in this year will know by September what is working and what is not. Holly is finally realizing that she is wasting her youth on someone who will not commit fully or give her a family. I truly believe that she cares for Hef but enough is enough. Hef in his 5 Personal Year. His eye is roving even more than it normally does and Holly is noticing. He is looking to possibly add to the trio or replace certain members. I see an ultimatum issued by her to shake things up. Hef has taken her for granted for too long and I believe that she will leave. This breakup will be very difficult for Ms. Madison but her and Hef will depart as friends. Lets just blame this one on creative differences. Unfortunately he will have a difficult time finding such a loyal partner in the future and will regret letting her go.
Posted by Katrina Maria at 6:27 PM 2 comments
Miley Cyrus-Tween going on 40
Am I the only person who can't stand Miley Cyrus? Seriously, is it me or is she kind of fast. I'll never forget the first time I saw her in an interview. She reminded me of my friend's slutty aunt who had been divorced three times by age 36. Virgin, my ass. What's with all the Lolitaesque pictures on her camera phone? She is obviously leaking these herself. Miley must be a long lost member of the Lohan tribe. She is definitely the next Lindsay. It's pretty sad actually. As for next year I see an older boyfriend causing a rift between Miley and her family. She is a 1 Life Path. They can be extremely headstrong once their mind is made up. She will secretly move in the with the boyfriend and it will be down hill from there. Look for her on the Hollywood party circuit. Money will continue to be good next year but she will develop a reputation for being hard to work with.
Posted by Katrina Maria at 3:47 PM 1 comments
Monday, September 8, 2008
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Pete & Ashlee-Three's a crowd?
God! I love these two together! That was until she got pregnant. Unfortunately the fun is over now. They used to be my favorite celebrity pairing. Her transformation was absolutely amazing. She went from plain to smoking hot in just one surgery. The wonders of modern medicine! Anyways, Pete and Ash always seemed to be having a blast together and their physical chemistry was extremely evident. I wish that they would have taken their time in starting a family. The whole dynamic is going to change for this young duo. Everything is going to be baby baby baby with Ashlee and Pete will feel left out. Pete is a 1 Life Path and with ones they have to come first no matter what. He may not be ready to share his new wife with anyone and that includes a kid. Unless there is a lot of compromise on both of their parts this will be a disaster. I see them sticking it out for two years after the baby is born.
Posted by Katrina Maria at 7:33 PM 0 comments
Jessica Biel & Justin Timberlake- Together for the long haul!
Posted by Katrina Maria at 6:06 PM 0 comments
Jessica Simpson & Tony Romo-Breaking up as we speak?
These two should have stayed broken up the first time they called it quits. The cards look pretty crappy. What it comes down to is that she is way to controlling and clingy. I see them fighting a lot. Jessica is trying desperately to hold on to this relationship but Tony will break it off. When I say desperate, I mean white knuckled, bloody finger nailed desperation. My cards show that there was some truth to the Carrie Underwood phone calls. Tony is a 7 Life Path and boy can they be secretive. He values his privacy and doesn't appreciate it when Jessica blabs her mouth to the media. Their flow of communication is breaking down fast and so is their physical connection. You heard it here first but look for the news to hit before the holiday season.
Posted by Katrina Maria at 3:32 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 1, 2008
Katrina Maria's Fabulous Tarotscopes for September 2008
Aries-Don't taste that forbidden fruit this month. If you play with fire you're bound to get burned. New acquaintances should be made to earn your trust. Not everyone is what they seem. Be careful in signing any contracts or making long term commitments. Don't take anything at face value. That includes your relationships. The gods are warning you to watch out for a scam. Lucky color is Coral and number is 11.
Taurus-This month is all about reflection. Slow down. Smell the roses. Chew your food. It's all about enjoying the sensual experiences that life throws at you. Delegating tasks will be a priority. You'd be surprised at what can get done when you trust other people to help you. I'm giving you a cosmic prescription to take the afternoon off. Massages and other bodywork will be very important. Lucky color is Turquoise and number is 19.
Gemini-Old friends and lovers will be on the scene in September. Some of these reunions will be happy and others will be uncomfortable. You decide who to keep. Just because someone shows up at your door doesn't mean you have to let them in. Focus your thoughts on having only positive people around you and you should attract just that. Pull out those old mix tapes from high school and have some fun. Lucky color is Electric Blue and number is 7.
Cancer-Have your moods been swinging out of control? Yes? Well everybody has noticed. Enough already! Just because your crabby doesn't mean that everyone else has to be miserable. Take a night walk and get in tune will your ruler the Moon. Do what ever you have to do to release stress. Lucky color is Peach and number is 8.
Leo-Feel like you're drowning at sea? This month will be a little intense. Nothing seems to be working out the way it was supposed to and you're stuck in indecision. Should I go left or should I go right? Take your time and review the pros and cons of your dilemma. If your still not sure then sleep on it for a while. Lucky color is Gold and number is 16.
Virgo-Friends will be a little disappointing this month. You may cut ties in certain relationships that no longer serve you. You have simply outgrown them. Don't let nostalgia get the best of you. Immerse yourself in new interests and the right people will follow you into this phase of your life. Remember the saying about a reason, a season and a lifetime. Your lucky color is Evergreen and your number is 6.
Libra-Financial security will be yours this month. Money will be coming in from all the usual sources and some surprise ones. Enjoy the material comforts and the new found peace of mind. You have made good choices and deserve all the prosperity that the Universe has to offer. Lucky color Lilac and number is 12.
Scorpio-Balance is very important to you this month. August was too stressful and chaotic. If you can take a vacation do so. Get out and commune with nature. Enjoy the last of summers warm days. Just get outside. You look a little pale these days. Lucky color is Burgundy and number is 17.
Sagittarius-You are super psychic this month. Follow any hunches and trust your intuition because it is in overdrive. What the hell, start a psychic hot line. :) Spiritual matters will be very important this month and you may find a mentor. Have fun freaking everyone out with your amazing ESP. Lucky color is Fire Engine Red and number is 15.
Capricorn-A new positive cycle is beginning for you. Things are finally falling into place and are where they are supposed to be. While you are not completely out of the woods yet life is definitely on the upswing. Enjoy the stability that you have created through hard work and perseverance. Lucky Color is Tangerine and number is 4.
Aquarius-Possibilities. Lots of possibilities this month. It's like the Law of Attraction overload. All of your orders seem to have come in on the same day and not a minute too soon. Some of your wishes were granted as blessings in disguise. Don't forget to express gratitude and share your successes with loved ones. Lucky color is Silver and number is 2.
Pisces-You will have to fight for what is rightfully yours. There is a bully out there with his/her eye on you. Invoke the warrior spirit and kick ass! Just because your nice doesn't mean that you take any crap. I'm not claiming that this will be easy but it is necessary. You have lost too much to this person already. Lucky color is Animal print and number is 3.
Posted by Katrina Maria at 7:49 PM 0 comments
A Tribute to Mommie Dearest

Then there is the legendary scene with the wire hangers. Ask anyone, I also HATE wire hangers. I totally understand where she is coming from. She is a true pioneer for the anti-wire hanger movement. Her passion knows no bounds. I'm not quite sure why Christina got so upset. Kids can be so ungrateful sometimes. The bathroom looked okay but the Christina was a notorious fibber. Always testing Joan. I don't know how she dealt with the brat. I also can't stand dirty bathrooms so I can totally sympathize with Joan during this scene. I mean hygiene is very important. Joan Crawford: Look at this floor. Do you call that clean? Do you? Christina Crawford: Miss Jenkins said it was clean. Joan Crawford: Miss Jenkins said it was clean? Do YOU think it's clean? Do YOU think it's clean? Look at that, DO you? Christina Crawford: Yes, I do. Whatever. What does the hell does Miss Jenkins know anyway. I think Miss Crawford is a stellar role model for single mothers everywhere. She was just teaching her kids the facts of life. No wire hangers EVER and no dirty bathrooms. SCRUB, Christina. SCRUB. Bravo, Joan! Bravo! That's why I say:

My favorite scene of the movie is when the the scoundrels at Pepsi try and screw Joan over after the death of her beloved husband. They really were a HELL OF A MATCH! Bastards messing with a poor widow. She really laid down the law. I wish I had such amazing negotiation skills. She told them "You drove Al Steele to his grave, and now you're trying to stab me in the back? Forget it. I fought worse monsters than you for years in Hollywood. I know how to win the hard way!" All they could say was "Apparently the Board has failed to realize the extent of your interest in the company, apart from Al's position. We... misjudged. We shall be... pleased... to have you stay on." Being the classy and professional lady that she is Joan responded "Thank you, gentlemen. Now let's get to work..." She was DAMN MAD! They must have been terrified. Well that's what ya get when you mess with Hollywood Royalty. This photo says it all:

Anyway...I really love the over the top craziness of this movie. If you haven't seen it you will really love it. Life changing. Watch it with the kids. Definitely a family favorite. I wanted to clarify a few things about Miss Crawford. I know people think that she was a raging alcoholic but she really wasn't. Booze doesn't count if it is poured out of an elegant crystal decanter. Ask any functioning drunk. It's a common known fact. So please enjoy this dramatic tale of a hard working single mother with a difficult adopted daughter. Before I go I want to let you know I would rather be here with you than anywhere else in the world. You, all of you here and everywhere, gave me this award tonight. And I accept it from you and only you. I love all of you. Now please forgive me, good night. Now bring me the Ax!
Posted by Katrina Maria at 4:18 PM 0 comments